Monday, December 31, 2012

Server Announcement

Server is now Tekkit and requires you to download the Tekkit Launcher or set your minecraft version to 1.2.5.

Tekkit Launcher

If you have chosen to use the Tekkit Launcher, then follow the directions below:

1. After you download the Tekkit Launcher, open the program and make sure you have set it to tekkit.


2. Click on the options button and set it to manual build. Then make sure you are using the latest version.(We reccomend you using 2 gb of ram instead of 1)

3. Finally login and have fun!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Server Update 1.4.6 Pre-release

Server has updated to the new pre-release!

1.4.6 pre-release

Download has been changed into a jar file instead of a zip folder.

How to update your Minecraft:
Windows 7

1. Download and save the snapshot to your desktop.

2. Click your windows start button and type in ''%appdata%/.minecraft/bin'' into the search bar.

3. Delete the file called minecraft and replace it with the one you just downloaded and saved to your desktop. (If you have your old minecraft file named as minecaft.jar, then change the name of the one you downloaded to ''minecraft.jar")
4. Start Minecraft and have fun!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Server Update 12w50a

Server has updated to Snapshot 12w50a!


How to update your Minecraft:
(For windows 7)

1. Download and save the snapshot to your desktop.

2. Click your windows start button and type in ''%appdata%/.minecraft/bin'' into the search bar.

3. Delete the file called minecraft and replace it with the one you just downloaded and saved to your desktop. (If you have your old minecraft file named as minecaft.jar, then change the name of the one you downloaded to ''minecraft.jar")
4. Start Minecraft and have fun!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Server Update 12w49a

Server has been updated to snapshot 12w49a. You will be able to buy or sell fireworks!


Need Money?

Are you in need of more money?

Then send an email to that says money and your username and you may be rewarded $1500! Not in real life.

